So I've finished my first week of tour with Max and Ruby. I have to say the cast is just great. They're super nice. I love em all. At first it was really awkward because I was doing my thing and they were doing their thing and let's just say awkward moments occur ed. Now we're starting to play with each other an stage and we're coming up with some funny bits. We're headed back to the city next weekend and I asked if we can have a rehearsal with our director. and we will. The show will be in tip top shape. I can't wait.
Right now I'm right outside Chicago. We're staying at Shannon's mom's house. I think we're supposed to call her MoFlo. She's great and funny...Speaking of funny, I've finally saw Funny Girl last night. It was really great. I didn't know "People" was from the show. Of course I got all tingly during "Don't Rain on My Parade". Now I didn't grow up watch Barbara Streisand movies. In fact the only other movie I've seen of hers is Hello Dolly. She's got a great voice and she looked beautiful in the movie.
Hello Tangent!!!
Anyway Shannon is playing Grandma/Cowboy Lobster/Rosalinda. She super fun and she's friends with my friends (Jonny, Saum, Jonathan). They all went to Boston Conservatory together. Small world....isn't it. I'm so glad that everyone in this cast are just really good people. I feel bad that they've gone through some bad times. I'm the third cast change since this tour began in Jan. It'll be good for the whole group to rehearse through the show and discover things together. So you might notice that my post jump around from thought to thought without any sorta connection. I assure you they are connected. Somehow my mind make sense of it all. Yours should too.
One more story before I go....The morning of my first performance on this tour was rough for me. Leaving the city again...after only three months of being back. Going into a show that I did before...Trying to carve out a meaningful personal life in the city...going into a show that I haven't rehearsed for....that was really scary. But let me tell you...The moment the preshow announcement started all the pistons started firing and I was revved up. I suddenly remember how much I loved acting and specifically love doing this show. I feel blessed that I'm able to do it again.
Ok another story....While we were in Dayton we were asked to go to a Children's Hospital..in costume. I was hesitant because I didn't know if I could deal with sick kids and keep my shit together. Well the minute we got there the adorable little boy was being carried around by his mother. He was hooked up to an IV machine and looked kinda out of it. Well we all waved as he passed and it would've ended there except the mother said..."Normally he would smile".
I almost started balling right there. That was really the worst of it... We found out that after we were done in the hospital that none of the kids were terminal. There was one kid that eat 12 watch batteries. First off, who has 12 watch batteries lying around the house. Second, who let's their kids just eat them. After looking at the parents my second question was answered. Ahhh the Mid West.
On the plus side we got comp tickets to see Rabbit Hole at the theatre beside the one we were performing in. I've read that play before and it's a damn good one. Even though the acting was questionable a many points...the writing was beautiful. The woman who played the mother was so great. She was the standout. And guess what folks....She was the only non-union actor of the lot. Just goes to show you that that little card doesn't mean that you're talented. Reality Check....
I leave you with a couple of pictures....
This is Camryn and I. She plays Louise. MMM Guinness.

And this is Ali...She plays Ruby. I'm pretty sure her middle name is Adorable...cause she really is.
This is some of the cast and the Stage Manager at a bar on St. Patricks day. Shannon is all the way on the left. That's almost her Cowboy Lobster face.
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